Tired of ineffective traditional newspaper ads? Or just want to extend your successful print campaign to untapped markets? Our handy tabloid format ensures your ad stands out. Our stories and community listings keep audiences reading longer and more frequently than other print mediums. At 40-75% less cost per thousand than daily newspaper advertising, the Reader has proven to be a cost effective vehicle for area businesses for over 15 years.
Print Ad Rates, Publishing Calendar & Design Specs
Technical Specifications for Designing Display Ads
RCReader.com Web Advertising
Your brand, event or offer can be in front of over 24,000 unique site visitors and over 300,000 page views per month at the Reader's website, with weekly story updates and daily calendar updates.
Web Advertising Sections & Rates
Free-Standing Inserts
Already printing a flyer, tabloid or special supplement? Consider adding the Reader to your print run and truly stand out rather than competing with dozens of other inserts. Zip code zoning available, minimum 7,000 inserts.
Free-Standing Insert Rates & Details
RCReader.com Web Advertising
Your brand, event or offer can be in front of over 24,000 unique site visitors and over 300,000 page views per month at the Reader's website, with weekly story updates and daily calendar updates.
Web Advertising Sections & Rates
Free-Standing Inserts
Already printing a flyer, tabloid or special supplement? Consider adding the Reader to your print run and truly stand out rather than competing with dozens of other inserts. Zip code zoning available, minimum 7,000 inserts.
Free-Standing Insert Rates & Details
Want to schedule a meeting or have questions?
563.324.0049 | sales@rcreader.com