Who Reads Alt Weeklies?
Alternative newsweeklies have a vibrant tradition in urban centers across the U.S. and Canada. Boomers grew up with them, and today the alternative press has the same appeal for twenty-somethings. The readers of alternative newsweeklies are hardly a vanilla kind of crowd. They’re dynamic, quirky, passionate, interested and involved. They represent and help shape the attitudes and values of their unique communities.
They Work Hard
Alternative weekly readers are smart. They are more likely to have four-year college degrees and advanced degrees. So it makes sense that they have higher than average household incomes. They are more likely to be employed in professional/technical or managerial positions, and are more likely to own a business or be in an executive role. Our younger readers are the leaders of the future.
They Play Hard
Alternative weekly readers are doers. They’re active. You’ll find our readers on the ski slopes and the mountain bike trails, in the health clubs and on the dance floor. They read a lot and travel, so you’ll find them on the beach with book in hand when they need to relax. Th ey go to more concerts, go to more movies and eat out much more frequently than the average adult.
They Spend Hard
The alternative weekly reader is the superior advertising target. This is a consumption-minded audience with money to spend. When compared to the average adult, the alternative newsweekly reader will buy more houses, cars, TVs, stereos, computers, and home furnishings during the next year. They are trend setters, early adapters. They are open to technology and to change. They’re your best customers.
Taken from Alternative Weekly Network