Apr 6, 2012

Coming Soon: The 2012 Summer Guide & Terry Swails Family Fun Guide

The Reader's Quarterly Guides are the must-have-and-keep-it-around reference for things to do, places to go and people to see in the Quad Cities region. Over 1800 events from live music and theater to museums and health classes to sports and lectures to art exhibits and festivals in an easy to read, organized compendium, covering June, July and August. Click here to see our distribution list.

The Reader's Kids’ Calendar is HUGE, so packed that we've created a special Family Fun Guide inside the Reader Summer Guide to showcase all the great things for kids and families to do in the Quad Cities this summer. We're pleased to partner with WQAD and Terry Swails to help promote this special section of the Summer Guide.

Questions? Contact Jason Farrell at (563) 324-0049 or sales@rcreader.com

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