Nov 11, 2008

Daily Newspaper Readership Down As Rates Increase Annually

Circulation of most daily newspapers has declined during the last ten years. That's bad news for circulation departments, but especially bad news for advertisers whose rates continue to increase.

Back in 2005 the Wall Street Journal predicted, "Long stuck in a slow decline, U.S. newspapers face the prospect of an accelerated drop in circulation." In October of 2008 the NY Times reported, "The long decline in newspaper circulation over the years continues to accelerate, with sales in the spring and summer falling almost 5 percent from the previous year."
According to the Journal, traditional daily papers have "undercut the print product itself, trimming staff and coverage," and have also "failed to figure out how to attract younger readers to their pages."

Fortunately, there is a proven alternative to expensive daily newspaper advertising.

For 15 years the River Cities' Reader has provided cost-effective advertising for businesses throughout the Quad Cities, with a proven track record for getting results. The Reader is the resource for what's new and happening -- and its local business and politics reporting is unmatched. This credibility in the community, combined with its easy to read format and bi-state distribution, drives store traffic and creates positive brand awareness for advertisers amongst the coveted younger, more educated, affluent and active Quad Cities consumers.
As daily newspapers' circulations decline, new audiences for their advertisers disappear.
Alt weeklies such as the Reader deliver a fiercely loyal readership that actively supports its advertisers. These consumers are wide open to trying new products and services.

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Readership & Pricing Reports